Welcome to the Website of the Catholic Parish of Our Lady of Beauchief and St. Thomas of Canterbury

Our Parish Priest
Fr. Stephen Ssekiwunga



  Fr Stephen Ssekiwunga was born in Uganda in 1979. He was ordained a Priest for the Archdiocese of Kampala, Uganda on 8th August 2009. In Uganda, he served as an assistant Priest at St Joseph’s, Lweza, and as a hospital chaplain for four years. From 2014, he was Parish Priest of Immaculate Conception, Kibanga. In September 2018, he came to the Diocese of Hallam and became an assistant Priest at St Marie’s Cathedral.  
St. Wilfrid's Centre Summer Fayre and Wheelbarrow Competition

St Wilfrid’s Centre wool stop at nothing as supporters, staff and clients create an incredible cascade of over 2000 knitted flowers.

The outside of St Wilfrid’s Centre on Queen’s Road has been decorated with a vibrant display of flowers to celebrate the work they do for the vulnerable and isolated people of South Yorkshire.

As part of the build-up to their Summer Fayre and Wheelbarrow Competition held on Saturday 6 July, a request went out to help create the cascade. The response was overwhelming with flowers being made by staff, clients and volunteers at the Centre and hundreds more arriving from supporters, some as far afield as Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

As local need increases and demands on services at the Centre grows, the cascade and Fayre aims to raise the Centre’s profile and much needed funds. It costs over £550,000 to run the St Wilfrid’s Centre each year and as a charity they are dependent on the generosity and support of people with big hearts and generous spirits.

If the cascade brings a smile to your face or you just want to show your support for the valuable work of St Wilfrid’s Centre, please make a donation via the website www.stwilfridscentre.org or by ringing the centre on 0114 2555720.

Scrollable Parish News


"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink" ... In truth I tell you, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me." {NJB Matthew 25:35,40}

Food Banks need your support - all supermarkets have containers set aside for us to follow the Lord's commands to help others in their time of need.

Our Lady of Beauchief and St Thomas of Canterbury
S8 7UD


Map Data licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (OdbL) Copyright and Licence

Our Lady and St Thomas is located south of Sheffield City centre on the A61 in the suburb of Woodseats. Parking outside of the Church on Sunday mornings is restricted to blue-badge holders and to 1 hour before 12.00 on other days. Nearby street and supermarket parking is available.


The usual Public Masses in the Parish (with any key details) are listed below but always check the latest newsletter for any additional information.

Parish Public Masses

English Martyrs, the Chapel of Ease to
Our Lady of Beauchief and St Thomas of Canterbury
S17 4DR

Map Data licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (OdbL) Copyright and Licence

English Martyrs, Chapel of Ease, is located at the junction of the A621, 'Baslow Road', and 'The Crescent' in the village of Totley. There is a limited number of on-site parking spaces and there is local road-side parking.




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